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Wilson-Raybould book could have an electoral impact

Wilson-Raybould book could have an electoral impact

Michael Taube: The former Attorney-General's new book might affect the dynamics of the election - including who becomes prime minister.
Three things you only learn as an entrepreneur

Three things you only learn as an entrepreneur

Bottom line: the buck stops (and starts) with you.
Another typically atypical month in 2021

Another typically atypical month in 2021

Ryan Berlin: Usually, the heat of summer is when the housing market cools down. Once again, 2021 and Metro Vancouver's real estate market are defying trends.
Why Canadians are walking away from the meat counter

Why Canadians are walking away from the meat counter

Sylvain Charlebois: As consumers cope with the rising cost of living, sales of beef, chicken, and pork are down - even during summer BBQ season.
Pitfall, avoided?

Pitfall, avoided?

Michael Taube: After a mostly error-free campaign, Erin O'Toole hit his first pitfall - and mostly avoided the repercussions.
COVID vaccines and the flight from reason

COVID vaccines and the flight from reason

Mark Milke: Most of the arguments against vaccination are themselves diseased, and riddled with logical fallacies.
The psychologies at work in Election 44

The psychologies at work in Election 44

Mike McDonald on the thinking, strategies, hopes, dreams, and fears of campaigns entering a crucial stretch.
Blowing in a fierce wind: Why crude oil prices are declining

Blowing in a fierce wind: Why crude oil prices are declining

Rashid Husain Syed on the factors that appear to be controlling crude oil market patterns - and prices.
Contractors should prepare for revamped government procurement rules

Contractors should prepare for revamped government procurement rules

Soon after the start of the pandemic, many presumptions underlying government procurement were set aside.
Tackling food inflation

Tackling food inflation

Sylvain Charlebois: If you feel you’re paying more for food, it’s not an illusion. The Conservatives are zeroing in on this issue and trying to make it their own.