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The Cannabis Cultural Shift

The Cannabis Cultural Shift

How do employers handle a cultural and public policy swing that will change Canadian society?
Fairness matters - tell that to Victoria

Fairness matters - tell that to Victoria

ICBA president Chris Gardner on why his organization is involved in two major lawsuits against the NDP government
Lessons from LNG

Lessons from LNG

Yes, you CAN build a pipeline in this country – despite what must have seemed like Canada’s best efforts to prove otherwise
'Flawed beyond repair'

'Flawed beyond repair'

Any proposed changes to our democracy must meet the highest standards of transparency, integrity and public support. This referendum has none of the above.
A cautionary tale from the Prairies

A cautionary tale from the Prairies

Manitoba is moving away from mandatory unionization – here’s why
The opposite of smart shopping

The opposite of smart shopping

Ignoring competitive bidding on public tenders puts taxpayers at a disadvantage
The blame game - part two

The blame game - part two

In a rush to blame foreign money, BC risks driving away much-needed capital. Part two of two.
The blame game - part one

The blame game - part one

In a rush to blame foreign money, BC risks driving away much-needed capital. Part one of two.
Union-only policy undoes 30 years of stopping discrimination

Union-only policy undoes 30 years of stopping discrimination

Giving unions a monopoly on public construction projects isn't just a bad investment - it doesn't reflect modern B.C.