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Editorial: No-fault needs to be fair to accident victims

Editorial: No-fault needs to be fair to accident victims

Financial awards are determined by ICBC, the same agency that must pay those sums. A clearer conflict of interest could not be found.
Opinion: B.C.'s economic woes laid bare as past premiers push policy overhaul

Opinion: B.C.'s economic woes laid bare as past premiers push policy overhaul

Christy Clark, Glen Clark unimpressed with BC NDP government's bend towards business
Opinion: Province ignores B.C. Jade Day as it nixes new northwest jade mines

Opinion: Province ignores B.C. Jade Day as it nixes new northwest jade mines

Government double standards sees it shutting down domestic jade industry while ignoring Myanmar
Opinion: B.C.’s Legal Profession Act falls short on lawyer independence

Opinion: B.C.’s Legal Profession Act falls short on lawyer independence

Access to justice not achieved by undermining lawyer independence
Opinion: We can’t remain silent about legal professionals’ mental health

Opinion: We can’t remain silent about legal professionals’ mental health

The 'invincible warrior' image and demanding work environment contribute to a hidden crisis
Comment: Government is making construction more expensive

Comment: Government is making construction more expensive

While the Rage Index is highest in Ontario and Alberta, for the first time in nearly two years of tracking, there was a 16-point spike in B.C.
Opinion: EU deforestation law could sideline Indigenous forest management

Opinion: EU deforestation law could sideline Indigenous forest management

How EU environmental policy may affect Indigenous-led forestry and economic prosperity in Canada
Data Points: B.C.’s record immigration masks largest net outflow in decades

Data Points: B.C.’s record immigration masks largest net outflow in decades

Vancouver CMA sees highest net loss to interprovincial migration in more than 20 years
Opinion: B.C.’s new land-use law threatens viability of B.C. mining industry

Opinion: B.C.’s new land-use law threatens viability of B.C. mining industry

Survey shows investors already wary of disputed lands, new law Raises Concerns
Opinion: B.C.'s EV aspirations may fall victim to anti-China trade policy

Opinion: B.C.'s EV aspirations may fall victim to anti-China trade policy

A steady stream of economical electric vehicles flowing into the Canadian market appears unlikely