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What does the future hold for Canada’s airline industry?

What does the future hold for Canada’s airline industry?

Huge financial losses, massive layoffs and stringent safety protocols for the few remaining passengers add up to massive turbulence.
COVID-19 has ended the era of single-source suppliers

COVID-19 has ended the era of single-source suppliers

Just as it’s dangerous for a business to rely on one customer, traders shouldn’t rely on just one supplier.
BC business groups set to cue the comeback

BC business groups set to cue the comeback

The same Team BC approach that protected British Columbians will be key in safely re-opening the economy.
It took a pandemic to relax outdated liquor laws

It took a pandemic to relax outdated liquor laws

Ada Slivinski: Was allowing delivery apps to include liquor really such a big deal?
#BCPOLI Hotstove: COVID-19 snapshots and 'winning the peace'

#BCPOLI Hotstove: COVID-19 snapshots and 'winning the peace'

From minor hockey, to ferry standoffs, to bilingualism and wondering when politics will resume in BC (it never stopped.)
Looking to Regina

Looking to Regina

BC continues to hold the course, and we're not out of the woods yet - but is it time to start making and sharing tentative plans to gradually re-open the economy?
#BCPOLI Hotstove: the elusive new normal

#BCPOLI Hotstove: the elusive new normal

What does business look like after the pandemic? What does politics look like during the pandemic? What do Jordan and Maclean's home workspaces look like this afternoon?
Cruisin' for some solutions

Cruisin' for some solutions

Jordan Bateman: For a glimpse into what the world could look like in a month or two, consider the cruise industry.
Punching our way out of the corner

Punching our way out of the corner

Ryan Berlin: "We are in the midst of a 12-round, heavyweight boxing match that we are going to win, but that will leave us groggy and needing time to recover."
Charting a road to recovery

Charting a road to recovery

Absent a vaccine, COVID-19 will be with us for a long time. The next task for our leaders is setting a course for the new economic normal.