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The QPees: Talking Turkey

The QPees: Talking Turkey

Celebrating the best and the best of the worst in B.C.’s Question Period - for the week of Nov. 18-21, 2019.
Blame the Blob

Blame the Blob

Bob Price on the new reality for B.C.’s salmon fishery.
#BCPOLI Hotstove: Of bus strikes, cabinets, turkeys, and councils gone bad

#BCPOLI Hotstove: Of bus strikes, cabinets, turkeys, and councils gone bad

To quote one newsman: as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
Some good news in the north

Some good news in the north

An intriguing new project represents some good economic news in the North.


Jody Vance: We make sure car drivers and passengers buckle up – because the statistics are clear that it’s much safer. So why not for kids on school buses?
The most potent weapon against disaster

The most potent weapon against disaster

Mark Milke: Carbon emissions matter. But a century of data suggests that climate deaths are actually declining – because we’re more prosperous and better prepared. If we’re going to confront climate change, we need our economy to keep pace.
Disney, plus savings

Disney, plus savings

Ada Slivinski: A weak Canadian dollar doesn’t mean you can’t fly south if you’re prepared.
A 21st century Jewish Community Centre

A 21st century Jewish Community Centre

Ng Weng Hoong: A proposed redeveloped $650 million Jewish centre will boost Vancouver’s Oakridge hub
Canada's culture of political apologies

Canada's culture of political apologies

The fourth installment in a series of excerpts from Mark Milke's new book.
What happened in Surrey?

What happened in Surrey?

Liberal organizer and strategist Harbir Dhillon on why Jagmeet Singh and the NDP failed to gain traction in Surrey.