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How many restaurants can Canada sustain?

How many restaurants can Canada sustain?

Did Canada have more restaurants than it could support before COVID-19? This may be a golden opportunity for the industry to reflect on its future, says Sylvain Charlebois.
Post-debate discussion

Post-debate discussion

The real contenders and the also-rans: Caroline Elliott’s observations of the first BC Liberal leadership debate
Only truth will put us on the path to reconciliation

Only truth will put us on the path to reconciliation

To have truth, we must educate the vast numbers of older Canadians who don’t know what really happened to our Indigenous neighbours.
A matter of procedure?

A matter of procedure?

Michael Taube: What Vuong did was morally, ethically and politically wrong. But to be expelled for a procedural matter would be quite stunning
Why history matters: The “two Michaels” as a Canadian example

Why history matters: The “two Michaels” as a Canadian example

Superpowers break whatever rules they want, and third-tier powers like Canada have to keep their allies close. That’s how the world has worked since the days of Ancient Greece, says Mark Milke.
Canadian steel prices recover from COVID-19 ‘devastation’

Canadian steel prices recover from COVID-19 ‘devastation’

Peter Caulfield: Excess capacity in global markets is bad for the financial health of Canada’s steel sector.
How serious is food inflation in Canada?

How serious is food inflation in Canada?

Statistics Canada claims our food inflation rate is at 2.7%. But the agency may be significantly underestimating, says Sylvain Charlebois.
Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle

Michael Taube wrote this piece on election day, wondering aloud what Canada would look like the day after.
Questions to ask before you vote

Questions to ask before you vote

Roslyn Kunin: We can accept that the real world intervenes in any plans for the future - but we must still decide who gets our vote.
How the unassuming QR code is changing the food industry

How the unassuming QR code is changing the food industry

It's not just vaccine passports. Before long consumers will expect the entire food supply chain to be fully transparent in real time.